Many a times we have heard of the term ‘’naturopath(y)’’ and we wondered what it meant, what it was, how it works, its core business and all that it has to do with. Well worry not, we are here to take you on a ride of knowledge and understanding of naturopathy as we are a Naturopathic clinic.
By definition, naturopathy is a modern method of healing that is complementary/ integrative in a sense as it makes use of alternative, natural therapies in combination with modern or conventional medicine. It employs natural and non-invasive forms of healing that promote self-healing in the human body. In essence it embraces many therapeutic and natural remedies including natural foods and herbs, massage, nutritional counselling, exercise, among others.
The main goal of Naturopathy is treating the person as a whole, that is the mind, body and soul. It does not just stop or prevent the symptoms of illness from escalating, it destroys the whole disease to its root cause thus chances of ever suffering from the same illness or being ill at all are slim to none existent. The focal point therefore is on education and prevention. The Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) makes use of your medical record or history, stress levels and your general lifestyle habits in guiding diagnosis and treating.
A lot of people today are practicing Naturopathy. It gives a great sense of healing that is fast and free from side effects. It is convenient for human health.
Visit our social media pages for more information on our services or visit us at our clinic for a one on one consultation with Dr. N. Zvemoyo.